Tuesday, June 10, 2014

And The Academy Award Goes To...

Since the opening of The Toddlewood Studio and the launch of "Fabulosity" (photography birthday parties at the studio), a couple of projects were put on hold.  But we're back on track.  One of my newest and most exciting projects is the re-creation of African American Oscar winners.  I've already shot 7 images and still have more to go.  If all goes well I'll be done sometime next month.  And yes, there will be a red carpet gallery exhibit here at the studio.  Cranking away here…not only are my models anxious to see their feature but my media friends and a couple of new, local buddies are tapping their fingers at me!  UGH!  The pressure.  But rest assured, it's going to be fab.

The pressure is not only on me but some of these looks require the magic fingers of my designer, Andrea Pitter of Pantora!  Only problem for me is that I'm not the only one on her calendar!  Andrea's business is wedding dress design and tis the season!  She won't let me down….well she better not

The other challenge lies in some of the executions.  Louis Gossett Jr. for instance…I'm really looking to replicate some of these action shots with Richard Gere!  Mini-Louis's shots won't be bad, Mini-Richard's shots may be difficult.

Another challenge is Cuba Gooding Jr.  The most memorable shot is "Show Me The Moneeeeeeeey".  Well he's shirtless!  Problem…not appropriate for a little kid, at least according to my standards.  Gotta figure this one out.

Everything else I think I've got under control.  So game on!  Let's make this happen!

By the way, you may have noticed that I'm missing a recent inductee in the Oscar hall of fame.  Don't worry, I'm still developing my vision for Mini-Lupita.  

Thursday, June 5, 2014

CASTING CALL - Making It happen for all to enjoy every day next year!

Making It Happen for the nation to enjoy all year round!
Toddlewood is in production for the 2015 calendars!  Yes plural.  We'll be shooting for 3 different calendars, three different concepts!  And they are all fun!  I've got a small team working on the negotiations with mega companies like these so keep your fingers crossed!

The first calendar concept is just for GIRLS.  Sorry fellas but no worries, you can get into the other two.  I love classic black and white images of women who made it happen in the past and some are still around making it happen today.  On a creative standpoint, I'm excited about this challenge because lighting is truly important to execute the right shadow and contours to deliver that "Classic" look.  So to kick this off ASAP, here are the first 6 women!  These are not necessarily the exact shots I will be replicating but this should give you a clear understanding of the person.

If you have a daughter, niece or friend who may resemble or can pull off any of these looks please send photo with age and name of child to:  Casting@Toddlewood.com
Please note:  You MUST be able to shoot in New York!  MUST BE BETWEEN AGE 3 and 8.  Also note some of the submissions will be posted on this blog to show how fabulously classy our young girls are today!

Love Love

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lights Cameras, Smile!

So it's been a while since we've been here on this blog.  Well that's because I've been...dare I say it…trying to "Make Things Happen"!  And things have been happening.  Since the 3rd annual red carpet award season recreations, I've decided to take a HUGE leap and open the first ever Toddlewood Studio.  Now this studio has been a pleasure, a journey, a labor of love and the bane of my existence.  Yes I said it.  Like any new business, especially when there's a physical door and a key to turn, it just ain't easy!  Why you ask?  Well check this out:

1.  The set up.  This used to be an old Yogurt Shop called "32Degree FroYo" (I think that was the name).  It only lasted 2 years because I heard the "Fro" part of FroYo was soft and not frozen.  That's sad because in the previous photos it looked like the place to be.  So after my landlord gutted everything out, I was left with four walls and barely a floor.  He almost put in drop ceilings!  UGH!  You know, like what you would find in a corporate building or in a dental office?  NOT for a creative studio! Are you kidding me.  Problem is that the ceilings were badly patched with a million small piece of sheet rock.  My solution…Paint that sucker!.  Paint it white and it will give me that industrial, SOHO look that I love so much.  And yes, keep the vents exposed.  Why?  Because I think it's cool too.  Well really I can't afford to do anything else.  But I do like it!

2.  Furnishing.  I'm on a "Gremlin's" shoe string budget!  So what do a I do?  I ask my coolest friends and family members to "Housewarm" my studio.  Yes, I sent a list of links to what I needed and oh my, I am a lucky girl.  My peeps took great care of Tricia, TMezz, TriciaThePhotographer, Trishy or whatever they call me.  Love is GREAT!


 3.  FLOORS!  To get the floors that I really want will cost $4000.  Ummmmm  plan B!  So I got someone to level the floors and then my father-in-law and I PAINTED 1500 square feet of floor!  Multiple coats of paint!  I have a new found respect for painters!  OUCH!

4.  Crickets!  So now we're here…hello!!!????  Come on in…PLEASE!  OK, Tricia, time to take your brain back to your years as Senior Vice President of the best global advertising firms you've worked at everyday of your life after college.  Marketing, Marketing, Marketing.  I have to say, it was much easier developing a marketing campaign for my million dollar clients as opposed to my miniature dollar self!  But I've got to make it happen man!

It's been 2 months and I think I'm doing pretty good!  The studio has clients and the "Fabulosity" birthday parties are a BIG HIT!  Even women in their 40's are booking parties for them and their friends!  That wasn't in my original plan but when someone asked me about it I said "Heck yeah, of course we do that!  You didn't know that?"  If she's reading this blog then I just outed myself!

Well there's so much that happens here!  I mean so much comedy.  From my mini-moguls to my next door neighbor nail salon owners, you are sure to be entertained.

Stay tuned!  It's real in here!!!!